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The Possibilities Are Endless

Some men aren't meant to be happy. They are meant to be great and James Hook was meant to be great. The only problem was that he couldn’t play the part he was meant for. Not yet, at least. He needed a little fixing up. Despite his intimidating exterior, Hook was a leader, nonetheless. In a town as crazy as Havenfort, he was going to be the saving grace they needed to fix the chaos and bring forth discipline. He had the heart of a conqueror and the arrogance of a king, won by many years on the sea after leaving behind his life as a soldier to work in a ship where he ended up becoming more than a plaything to the government: he became Captain Hook, searched by the authorities all over the seven seas for crimes of piracy, even though nobody actually knew who he was. Feeling his reign threatened, Hook sailed to Havenfort with his travelling partner, Oliver Smee, to look for more power than he had already. For many, Havenfort appears to be just another lost small town. For Hook, it had every resource he needed to build his empire, including an independent pier for his sea business. He knew how to rule and he knew how to be charming and aggressive, depending on the situation, but he knew he needed more than that to win: he needed to hide his crimes long enough for people to actually vote him. Once he was mayor, he’d have immunity from suit. He needed to show himself perfectly fit for the job. He needed to make the right promises, to have the right friends, to collect the right favors -  he needed a schemer… and that’s when James Hook hired Margaux Monroe, problem-solver extraordinaire, to run his campaign.

"What would the world be like without Captain Hook?"

James Hook


FC: Shiloh Fernandez


Margaux Monroe


FC:Amber Heard

“You have to be twice as good to get half of what they have”, was the mantra her father had instilled in her when she was young. She was only sent to the best schools, and was made to socialize at only the most popular events with the most popular people. Despite her father growing up with nothing, he made sure that she was starving for greatness, even when she had everything. It pushed her to become the kind of person who would go through all lengths to make sure that her desired outcomes were met. Just as how they were met when her husband died in a mysterious car crash, leaving her with a huge sum of money. Just as how they were met when her step daughter, Aurora, slipped into a coma after an eerily similar car crash, allowing her to “take care” of Aurora’s inheritance. Margaux’s father had always taught her that money, glory, and power would make her “happy”, and she knew that for her to be “happy”, she had to win. Margaux Monroe has never been on the losing end of the spectrum, but her next client was to be the most difficult one she was to handle yet.

"There is evil in this world."

James Hook


FC: Shiloh Fernandez

What would the world be like without Captain Hook?

Some men aren't meant to be happy. They are meant to be great and James Hook was meant to be great. The only problem was that he couldn’t play the part he was meant for. Not yet, at least. He needed a little fixing up. Despite his intimidating exterior, Hook was a leader, nonetheless. In a town as crazy as Havenfort, he was going to be the saving grace they needed to fix the chaos and bring forth discipline. He had the heart of a conqueror and the arrogance of a king, won by many years on the sea after leaving behind his life as a soldier to work in a ship where he ended up becoming more than a plaything to the government: he became Captain Hook, searched by the authorities all over the seven seas for crimes of piracy, even though nobody actually knew who he was. Feeling his reign threatened, Hook sailed to Havenfort with his travelling partner, Oliver Smee, to look for more power than he had already. For many, Havenfort appears to be just another lost small town. For Hook, it had every resource he needed to build his empire, including an independent pier for his sea business. He knew how to rule and he knew how to be charming and aggressive, depending on the situation, but he knew he needed more than that to win: he needed to hide his crimes long enough for people to actually vote him. Once he was mayor, he’d have immunity from suit. He needed to show himself perfectly fit for the job. He needed to make the right promises, to have the right friends, to collect the right favors -  he needed a schemer… and that’s when James Hook hired Margaux Monroe, problem-solver extraordinaire, to run his campaign.

Some men aren't meant to be happy. They are meant to be great and James Hook was meant to be great. The only problem was that he couldn’t play the part he was meant for. Not yet, at least. He needed a little fixing up. Despite his intimidating exterior, Hook was a leader, nonetheless. In a town as crazy as Havenfort, he was going to be the saving grace they needed to fix the chaos and bring forth discipline. He had the heart of a conqueror and the arrogance of a king, won by many years on the sea after leaving behind his life as a soldier to work in a ship where he ended up becoming more than a plaything to the government: he became Captain Hook, searched by the authorities all over the seven seas for crimes of piracy, even though nobody actually knew who he was. Feeling his reign threatened, Hook sailed to Havenfort with his travelling partner, Oliver Smee, to look for more power than he had already. For many, Havenfort appears to be just another lost small town. For Hook, it had every resource he needed to build his empire, including an independent pier for his sea business. He knew how to rule and he knew how to be charming and aggressive, depending on the situation, but he knew he needed more than that to win: he needed to hide his crimes long enough for people to actually vote him. Once he was mayor, he’d have immunity from suit. He needed to show himself perfectly fit for the job. He needed to make the right promises, to have the right friends, to collect the right favors -  he needed a schemer… and that’s when James Hook hired Margaux Monroe, problem-solver extraordinaire, to run his campaign.

Evelyn "Evie" Queen


FC: Sara Sampaio

Evelyn grew up with parents who pushed her into beauty pageants. She had the many sashes, tiaras and trophies that she won over the years to prove just how beautiful she was but, as they say, “beauty is only skin deep” and if there was one person that this applied to, it was Evie Queen. She knew that she was beautiful and she used it to her advantage, luring men to do exactly what she wanted her to do, even if most of the times they thought that they were the ones taming her. Men with deep pockets and riches showered her, showing her around by their arm while it was convenient to her before she discarded them to move on to the next one. Love and affection meant nothing to her, she never stopped to think about the trail of broken hearts, furious men and playful destruction she had left behind. Her only passion was ballet and when she was finally admitted into Havenfort’s Academy of Performing Arts, she was thrilled to have the chance to work with the finest teacher in Europe. But to become the best, she had to go deeper and let him make her perfect… and it was nothing scarier to her than not to have control over a situation.

"So I’m a misfit, so I’m a flirt… I broke your heart? I made you hurt?"

William “Mirror” Bellemere


FC: Jon Kortajorena

"Look at me, I’m your mirror now."

William was always one of those people who worked hard for what he got. He practiced tirelessly, day in, day out to become the success that he was. He danced his way to the top, even though when he was younger he went through tough times. Margoux Monroe, his friend from childhood, stood by him every step of the way and now men wanted to be him and women wanted to sleep with him. He exuded an air of confidence mixed with arrogance that drew people in instantly and he was known to get things done by the most unorthodox processes to reach perfection. William runs the academy of performative arts and performs in countless ballet productions. To be mentored by William Bellemere meant that you had your future guaranteed – which wasn’t easy: he abhorred mediocrity but he was the man to impress. Which is exactly what Evelyn Queen did the day that he saw her dancing with her gaze too focused upon the mirror. He would soon become her mirror, building her way to the top knowing that there was nothing she wouldn’t do to get there, knowing that she would never have any need for another mirror again.

Katrina "Queen Of Hearts" Loveless


FC: Eva Green

Katrina is known for not only being a strict bitch, but a Madame to her girls. She has always been a greedy woman, even growing up with a sister like Carmella. And as soon as their father died, without leaving behind a testament, his fortune became hers as the oldest sister. With it, Katrina turned the theatre he owned and ran into an Entertainment House. Convincing people to please her against their own will was something she was very good at. The employees were trained to be entertainers, dancers, singers, strippers, prostitutes, and above all, loyal to her and to the money she paid them with. Katrina, known in the streets by “The Queen Of Hearts” by her beauty and sex appeal, is an abusive leader, strict and purely money-driven and she always does what is best for herself.

"I lose my temper, you lose your head."

Hades Micat


FC: Eric Dane

Hades Micat is the living proof that the devil wears Prada. He has one of the biggest mansions in Havenfort, a fine bank account and his name in a shiny plaque on his lawyers firm. When you needed to get away with something, anything, Hades was the man for the business. Evidence disappeared, witnesses changed their mind about depositions, someone else confessed – there was nothing that he didn’t make happen for a nice amount of money: if you went against Hades, you knew you were going to lose. He was a heartbreaker – women were nothing to him but mere toys. Nobody who met him knew how he could sleep at night. There was just something in his life that wasn’t quite perfect: his nephew, Hercules, who had become his responsibility after his brother tragically died. Hades never got along with his brother and he never got along with his nephew either, he didn’t even try, they barely saw each other. One night walking a client out of prison, Hades noticed a young girl debating to get out of the cell like punching the metal was going to help her. Curious about her apparent bad temper, he offered her his help and the way she looked at him with despise only made him want her more. In no position to refuse his help, Hades took Megara in, offering her a chance to start over with her life under his wing, as long as she agreed to be his.

"We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do you say?"

Megara “Meg” Florious


FC: Kaya Scodelario

"If there’s a prize for rotten judgment, I think I’ve already won that."

Meg was never one to believe fairy tales and happy endings. She lived in real life, in a world where she knew nothing good lasted for long. Her family was poor, her mother was weak and her stepfather aggressive: she ran away as soon as she could. She met a man once and believing that love had finally played her a visit, she offered herself to him completely. They shared a small apartment, talked about the future, made promises. They were still young when Meg got pregnant and they decided to get married but what was supposed to be the best day of her life turned to be first one of a series of terrible ones: he never showed up, leaving her at the altar, alone, pregnant and with no money. Losing her baby a few weeks after was the last drop to her. She stopped believing in happiness or love. She stopped caring. She survived on what she could steal and slept on park benches. She was in war with life when she was arrested for trying to sell drugs and she thought that it was finally going to be the end. And then he showed up: a lawyer, suited up, side smirk. A bad man, she could tell. But then again, she had never met one that was good. To make a deal with him was making a deal with the devil but she had no choice: in exchange for money and a good life, she agreed to be his, whatever it meant to him. All she knew was that she had sell her soul and now there was no turning back.

Roger Rabbit


FC: Thomas Davenport

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it’s the only weapon we have."

Roger Rabbit was a good man drawn to money and adventure, a man who enjoyed making people laugh and that never complained about the lack of money or the bad life he lived. He had always looked up to big criminals who marked generations and became idols by their sense of style and their stunts, so when he was framed by a murder he didn’t commit, he finally had a chance to build his name up as a criminal. Roger ended up running to Havenfort, a city lost on the map where he expected to find peace to plan his life from that moment on. Instead, he found Jessica, a fiery red-head and the first one to fall for his new persona. Together, they planned to become Havenfort’s most wanted criminals.

Jessica Krupnick


FC: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

"I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way."

Jessica was a young girl with big expectations that didn’t match her lifestyle. She wanted to be famous, a star, the hit girl on everyone’s mouth, the face on every magazine. She surely had the beauty, but she lacked the resources. Her family was poor and when her father passed away, her mother didn’t spare in criticism. Refusing to believe that she had settled for the miserable life her mother had before her, Jessica accepted a job in The Wonderland as a dancer, the most fiery one the customers had ever seen. And there’s where she met Roger, a dreamy bohemian, an outlaw with a smile to die for, funny jokes and enticing words. And Jessica decided, since the first moment she saw him, that he would be the one to give her everything she ever wanted in life: money, passion, danger and adventure.

Oliver Smee


FC: Dominic Sherwood

"This ain’t no place for a respectable pirate."

Oliver Smee was an employee to the Jolly Rogers ship for as long as he could remember. He had a pretty face and a sharp mind but had always lacked the self-esteem to believe he could be more than a simple servant to a captain and the courage to walk away from the crime business. Truth be told, the job was hard but paid well: he got to see the world, had nice ladies batting their eyelashes at him at every shore without commitment and the life in the sea wasn’t so bad. He learned to enjoy it and he learned to be content. That was until he met someone who was never content at all: James Hook. Smee’s intelligence and ability to go unnoticed caught Hook’s sympathy. They were already close friends when their plan to take over the ship worked perfectly. Hook became the captain and Smee, his right hand. The Jolly Rogers became the most famous ship in piracy, known as the “cannibal of the seas”. They were on top of the world, until Hook decided it wasn't enough. Unable to let his friend go, Smee followed Hook to the calm town of Havenfort where he planned to run for Mayor, alongside with Margaux Monroe. Even though Smee was happy with Hook’s choices, he knew his friend better than anyone and he was afraid that to get where he wanted to go, Hook would end up throwing Smee away.

Ursula Merlin


FC: Pyper America Smith

"Life is full of tough choices, isn’t it?"

Ursula was raised in a family with strong religious believes that ended up being applied in the wrongest of ways. Growing up with people who used their believes and the higher power as an excuse for punishment and abuse, Ursula ended up running away from home to the darkest roads of Le Voie Sinistre. She sold her body for money for a long time until she met Madam Katrina, who taught her how to use her beauty and persuasion skills to thrive in the business. Ursula is nowadays one of the queens of the streets, using her expertise and seduction as weapon to get whatever she wants, making deals, collecting favors and finding the perfect girls to work in Wonderland.

Derek “The Big Bad Wolf” Stanford


FC: Leonardo DiCaprio

"You never know where a wolf might crouch but his natural habitat is the casting couch."

Derek Stanford is a big name on Broadway. Director of countless Broadway shows and a six-time Tony-nominee - three wins - he is known in the business as The Big Bad Wolf. Derek is an artist and his shows are masterpieces but he has a controlling and sometimes despicable personality. Everybody knows Derek always gets his way, blackmailing for money, manipulating producers, sleeping with actresses in return for parts in the ensemble that they believe will send them in the direction of a big role someday. Every actor that works with him is either ready to be pushed for the sake of performing arts or might as well quit on day one. It isn’t until an actress reveals a sex tape that Derek’s publicist insists he needs to work on his image or kiss Broadway goodbye. So Derek moves back to Havenfort, his hometown, where he will play the nice guy who is donating money to restore the old theatre in Havenfort and debut one of his famous shows there. Every wannabe actress in town is ready to give him whatever he wants to play the lead but he has his eye set on a young dancer in The Wonderland who shows up every night wearing a red cape.

Randall Boggs


FC: Daniel Radcliffe

"You’ve been number one for too long. Now your time is up."

Randall was in college with Mike and James, but his shyness and slightly wicked behavior always kept him from having friends. Trapped in his own cage of solitude and constantly watching James take what he desired, he became obsessed with the darkest parts of the human brain and turned into a persuasive man, incredibly good at reading people’s minds. Watching his position as the physicist in charge of the Evergreen Hills Asylum being taken away from him, once again by his old antagonist, Randall gets once again caught up in the darkest places of his own head. That’s until he is assigned to Mary Gibbs, a girl who claims to have monsters in her head. Seduced to the complexity of her brain, Randall becomes obsessed with her and when James is invited to step into her case, Randall decides that he has to make sure that Boo can never leave the Asylum. Even if he has to get her even crazier than she already feels.

Ev “Jabberwocky” Steinherz


FC: Helen McCrory

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Jabberwocky: total nonsense; a fit on rambling which resembles a civilized language but in fact is meant only to obfuscate meaning or confuse the victim. That’s what they called her, along with ruthless, maniac, made of bloodlust. Her eyes, with their fire, are hypnotizing; made to create illusions to the victims so they're deceased before they even can process what's happening. They classify it as a crime of passion.
Madame Guillotine, they used call her on every headline after a murderer.
They say the monster and the man, like in the tale of Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, live as one. Much like that old saying that says it's /us/ who choose to feed the wolf within. However...What happens when someone constantly chooses it for you? What happens when someone notices that your weakness is both and decides to turn that into your strength? What happens when someone constantly forces you to become single and then double, over and over again until you're so exhausted (and they know that; oh yes, they do) that in the end, you just end up choosing one path to follow? What happens then?

Ev Steinherz was caught in Havenfort when she had already won the title of “serial killer” and trapped on Evergreen Hills Asylum due to her obvious double identity issues. In one of Madame Katrina’s harvests on the asylum, she found Ev and it took her no time to manipulate her into telling her the truth. Taking advantage of Ev’s state of vulnerability because of the drugs, Katrina took her along to Wonderland, transforming her into her very own secret weapon.

Scar O’Kereke


FC: Jason Momoa

"I’m surrounded by idiots."

Scar has always been one of those people who don’t enjoy working. He enjoyed taking credit for others’ ideas and aimed to be his own boss so that he didn’t have to report to anyone. Always in the shadow of his younger brother’s massive corporation, Scar spent years planning the easiest way of taking charge of it without having to respond to Mufasa. Scar almost saw his plans to run the Tribe Industries - along with his dream of gaining complete control over the foreign market that comes along with it - when, against all of his schemes, his nephew survived the car crash that killed Mufasa. Lucky enough, when Scar presented Simba with a choice between a lifetime of responsibilities and trying to reach his father’s achievements and freedom, Simba took the easy path and left Scar in charge. The only thing that kept him from having full domination over the corporation and the employees was Nala Buhari, Simba’s nosy friend who kept interfering with his negotiations.

Gaston DuFour


FC: Scott Eastwood

"No one says “no” to Gaston."

Gaston was full of himself and he knew it. He had all the girls falling at his feet, begging to spend the night with him, and of course, he obliged. He was a hunter, he had hundreds of trophies upon his wall of his kills. He was a player and a bad boy, who had his sights set on Belle French. He couldn't stand rejection, and he just kept trying and trying with Belle. When she was taken by the beast, Gaston promised himself to find her and his reward for saving her, would be finally having her.

Humbert “The Huntsman” Jäger


FC: Nyle DiMarco


"I don’t trust you, but we have a deal."

To any kind of legal register, Humbert Jäger doesn’t exist. His social security number is fake, his ID expired years ago, he doesn’t even have a passport. But he is very real, just really hard to catch. He is known in the streets as the Huntsman, the hitman who always gets the job done. All his money is spread in hidden accounts, he has no family, no strings, no relationships besides casual women. He travels all over Europe to eliminate whomever he’s told, as long as he gets the money. Humbert eventually returns to Havenfort, where he was born, because of his peaceful way of dealing with sinners. Plus, no one would look for him in a city that doesn’t appear on the maps. His new job is easy, for now: he is supposed to keep an eye on a girl, Robyn Weiss. Little did he know that he was keeping tabs on the kindest, most gorgeous girl he had ever met.

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