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The Possibilities Are Endless

Some men aren't meant to be happy. They are meant to be great and James Hook was meant to be great. The only problem was that he couldn’t play the part he was meant for. Not yet, at least. He needed a little fixing up. Despite his intimidating exterior, Hook was a leader, nonetheless. In a town as crazy as Havenfort, he was going to be the saving grace they needed to fix the chaos and bring forth discipline. He had the heart of a conqueror and the arrogance of a king, won by many years on the sea after leaving behind his life as a soldier to work in a ship where he ended up becoming more than a plaything to the government: he became Captain Hook, searched by the authorities all over the seven seas for crimes of piracy, even though nobody actually knew who he was. Feeling his reign threatened, Hook sailed to Havenfort with his travelling partner, Oliver Smee, to look for more power than he had already. For many, Havenfort appears to be just another lost small town. For Hook, it had every resource he needed to build his empire, including an independent pier for his sea business. He knew how to rule and he knew how to be charming and aggressive, depending on the situation, but he knew he needed more than that to win: he needed to hide his crimes long enough for people to actually vote him. Once he was mayor, he’d have immunity from suit. He needed to show himself perfectly fit for the job. He needed to make the right promises, to have the right friends, to collect the right favors -  he needed a schemer… and that’s when James Hook hired Margaux Monroe, problem-solver extraordinaire, to run his campaign.

"What would the world be like without Captain Hook?"

James Hook


FC: Shiloh Fernandez


Adam “The Beast” DeMartel


FC: Sean O’Pry

Adam was never one to enjoy convenience meetings and high society parties. He was always a lonely young man with a special temper, ignoring every girl that dropped at his feet and keeping his sadness to himself. After his parents died in a car accident, he became Havenfort’s richest heir, not to say the most wanted bachelor. Obligated to deal with the responsibilities his parents left behind, he became reserved and callous, never really leaving his house and managing his legacy with an iron wrist, which got him the nickname of “The Beast”. On one of the rare occasions that he did he saw a young woman and for the first time in a long time, he felt something and he became obsessed with her. All he knew as that he had to have her. So he took her. He saw her kindness as his last chance, the last chance he was going to offer to the world – but he had no idea how to make her love him.

"For who could ever love a beast?"

Belle French


FC: Emily Didonato

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere… I want it more than I can tell...

Belle was a young girl from a working family like so many others in Havenfort. Beautiful, of course, and a straight-A student, her life seemed to be like any other, even though she dreamed it to be something else. Belle dreamed of more than an ordinary life, of far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise… But within all she could imagine, she never dreamed of being kidnapped. She spent five years in a castle with a monster. But after first impressions and unsuccessful attempts of escaping, Belle started to realize that he wasn’t a monster. Over time, his defenses faded away and he just became Adam, her Adam. She stopped being scared to start seeing something else in him… something she had never felt before, something that could be love.

Some men aren't meant to be happy. They are meant to be great and James Hook was meant to be great. The only problem was that he couldn’t play the part he was meant for. Not yet, at least. He needed a little fixing up. Despite his intimidating exterior, Hook was a leader, nonetheless. In a town as crazy as Havenfort, he was going to be the saving grace they needed to fix the chaos and bring forth discipline. He had the heart of a conqueror and the arrogance of a king, won by many years on the sea after leaving behind his life as a soldier to work in a ship where he ended up becoming more than a plaything to the government: he became Captain Hook, searched by the authorities all over the seven seas for crimes of piracy, even though nobody actually knew who he was. Feeling his reign threatened, Hook sailed to Havenfort with his travelling partner, Oliver Smee, to look for more power than he had already. For many, Havenfort appears to be just another lost small town. For Hook, it had every resource he needed to build his empire, including an independent pier for his sea business. He knew how to rule and he knew how to be charming and aggressive, depending on the situation, but he knew he needed more than that to win: he needed to hide his crimes long enough for people to actually vote him. Once he was mayor, he’d have immunity from suit. He needed to show himself perfectly fit for the job. He needed to make the right promises, to have the right friends, to collect the right favors -  he needed a schemer… and that’s when James Hook hired Margaux Monroe, problem-solver extraordinaire, to run his campaign.

Ariel Strand Schuyler


FC: Holland Roden   

Fresh out of college and eager to kick out her career as a journalist and to be taken serious, Ariel planned on rocking the quietness of her hometown with a big, fat scandal that would make cover on every newspaper. Escaping from the ever present protection of her father, Ariel takes a job with Ursula Merlin, a lady of the streets who provides entertainment and company to the ones who pay the most. Unaware of the dimension of the business, Ariel ended up being traded across countries as a gift for different silver foxes; she become the object of desire of many powerful rich men across the world but due to her strong and candid demeanor, none of them kept her for long – except for one. Among all rich men she was sold to, he was the kindest. He genuinely cared for Ariel and simply wanted her happiness. However, when Ariel was threatened by her mother-in-law and told that she was unfit to be his wife, she chose to run away instead of standing up to her. In the middle of the night, she snuck out of the house leaving with every single memory of her. It was as though she had never existed. She took more than just a piece of his heart with her, though. The girl ended up back in Havenfort, and surrendered herself to the “loving hands” Evergreen Hills Asylum just for a few months—just until she could feel normal again, but curiosity took the best out of her and while spending the following months in the asylum, Ariel found out things about doctors and hidden businesses than no one wanted to be revealed and instead of leaving that place to start a new life, she decided to finish what she started: find out everything that was going on behind Havenfort’s perfect charade and show it to world. The question was, if the love of your life showed up in your asylum room, would you leave everything you had built for him?

"There is a world where hope and dreams can last."

Eric Schuyler


FC: Matthew Daddario

"She out there somewhere, I just haven’t found her yet."

Born and raised by the richest family in the Netherlands, his name was Eric Schuyler, heir to Schuyler Manor. Eric’s family was always considered royalty to the people of their small village, maintaining an undying liaison of monarchy with democracy. Faced with the pressure of choosing a suitable wife to run their little kingdom when the time came, Eric never fell for any of the wealthy girls he was presented to. His heart, however, surrendered to the beauty and slight insolence of Ariel, one of the girls he was once offered as property. With her by his side, Eric was snapped out of his perfect bubble to face the problems of real life and the consciousness he lacked from being raised in a family where he always got what he wanted and even though she made him realize that people weren’t supposed to be owned, he cared too much for her to let her go as he wished. Even despite his will, she left and she took half of his heart, and half of his money, too. Willing to take back his lover and his money - and maybe a little bit of his ego - Eric left behind his home to find the one person he knew could lead him to Ariel, the one who brought her to him in the first place: Ursula Merlin.

Aurora Reynolds


FC: Emily Browning

Aurora Reynolds was the shiny apple of Hollywood’s eyes. Famous world-wide because of her good girl looks and talent on the screen, she was loved by millions who watched her from afar. While in Havenfort for the premiere of her new movie, Aurora was part of a car crash that got her into a coma, and she was titled on every magazine cover as “The Sleeping Beauty”. After waking up for reasons doctors could not be sure of, Aurora sees her life completely changed from where she had left it two years ago. New faces had taken her place on the wall of fame, her agent had left her, her friends had moved on and she was back in the small town she had escaped from at such a young age to follow her dreams. Trapped by her own confusion and unsure of what to do next, Aurora is ready to escape Havenfort once again until she finds out that her stepmother, Margaux Monroe, is in town and prepared to play her part as a proper “mom”, taking her in so that she can recover - or, as how Aurora saw it, to trap her and keep her mouth shut.. Aurora has always hated her stepmother, at first because it confused her that her father would take a woman almost her own age as his wife, later because she understood what the evil Margaux really represented. Divided between the secrets she kept and her fear, Aurora finds herself trapped one more time.

"They say that if you dream a thing more than once, it’s sure to come true. "

Sebastian Schmidt


FC: Dylan O’Brien

Horatio Thelonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian Schmidt is Ariel’s best friend since a young age. He is the one who always made sure she stayed out of trouble. He was always protecting her, even if most of the time, she never realized it. When Ariel got kidnapped, no one suffered more than Sebastian and he did everything on his reach to try to find her. Feeling guilty for not being able to take care of his best friend, Sebastian became a cop working for the police force and Ariel’s legal guardian to allow her to get out of the asylum sooner than what the doctors had recommended. Now that Ariel was with him again, he thought that he would never let her go through any danger again but that’s when she tells him that she plans on revealing to the world everything she had found out during her stay in the asylum and dig deeper into Havenfort’s finest businesses to uncover their secrets. Promising to himself that he would never again let any harm happen to her, Sebastian agrees to join her crusade for truth and justice as they start uncovering more secrets than they ever thought they would find out.

"Listen to me, the human world is a mess."

Alice Kingsleigh


FC: Amanda Seyfried  

"Little Alice fell down the hole, bumped her head and bruised her soul."

Pretty face, pretty voice, pretty much someone they forget… Alice lived and breathed music. She had the talent and the passion to be the greatest performer to ever step on one of the biggest stages of the world and when the spotlight was on her, she believed she could be anyone. But her enthusiasm for the profession was always suppressed by her golden heart, which often led her to be break apart during castings as talent did not always mean experience. Already tired of always being casted to small roles on the choir of musical plays and being told she was “too kind” to the show business, Alice decided to apply for the Havenfort’s Academy of Performing Arts to become the best artist she could be. Unfortunately, to be able to afford such expenses she was obligated to look for a job where she could earn good money… and everyone knows there’s no better job for ambitious girls than dancing on Wonderland… but will Alice be able to do whatever it takes to be a real star instead of a quick flash?

Hunter “Mad Hatter” Maddox


FC: Sebastian Stan

"I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then."

There is no one easier to spot in the middle of a crowd than Hunter Maddox – he is the man with the hat. Hunter once dreamed of being a famous designer of hats and he had the most imaginative creations in his head but when he tried to make his dreams come true, the world laughed at his face. Too colorful, too flashy, ridiculous, not elegant at all. No one understood the fun and creativity of his designs and he was known in the business as “The Mad Hatter”. Embarrassed with his failure, he became a shy person, darker than before, unable to see the happiness of life. Mad Hatter is Katrina’s associate in Wonderland, and he always keeps himself hidden in a private room they call The Rabbit Hole, where the betting games are and the drug deals are made. Only those with power and money are invited to tea time with the Mad Hatter and only the best dancers are sent downstairs. Only when he meets Alice, a new dancer curious about what lays behind that door, Hunter’s joy starts to come back due to her passion and innocence… but to lose such an ally to the bright side is something Katrina isn’t willing to permit.

Rapunzel Moreau


FC: Taylor Momsen  

"At last I see the light and it’s like the sky is new…"

Rapunzel grew up in an orphanage, she had no idea where she came from, but that didn't stop her from dreaming up stories of who her parents were. Maybe they were mermaids, who had a child with legs and didn't know how to take care of her. Maybe they were pirates who sailed the seven seas in search for their daughter who was taken away from them. Maybe they were royalty who had to give her up to pay a debt that could never be repaid with money or riches. She knew in the back of her mind that these stories were most likely not true, but that didn't stop her from wishing on the first star she saw every night, that one day they’d come back to take her away from that place. She knew in her heart that her parents weren't bad people. And she would wait for as long as it took for them to come and find her. At least, that was what she thought until she met Felicity, a girl that had just gotten to the orphanage and that planned on escaping… and Rapunzel knew that it was the chance to get out that she had been waiting for her entire life.

Felicity Rider (Eugenia)


FC: Alycia Debnam Carey

"You are my dream now."

Eugenia never knew her parents and she grew up in lonely roads, surviving with the kindness of strangers and the skill of orphans that, just like herself, didn’t allow themselves to get caught and trapped in the orphanage. The orphanage was no place for them; they did not belong in a cage, under orders of people who meant nothing to them. Eugenia never wanted to be a foster kid, a kid that no one wanted and that ended up alone in the world. She would write her own story and in that story, her name was Felicity Rider, a heroic thief who took care of the kids in the streets with what she stole with the skills years and years on the streets had taught her. When caught trying to steal from one of the big and powerful of Havenfort, Felicity was finally sent to the orphanage because she wasn’t old enough to be incarcerated for robbery. Once trapped on the place she always feared, Felicity promised herself she would find a way out back to her old life… until she met Rapunzel, a girl with long blonde hair who had never seen anything other than that place.

James P. Sullivan


FC: Drew Roy

"If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.

Growing up with a mother who couldn't tell the difference between real and imaginary, all James ever wanted to do was help. Help people find their way, find themselves, help them get better. He put himself through school and university, working two jobs to pay for his loans, until he became one of the best psychiatrists in the United Kingdom. He ended up back in his hometown, Havenfort, at the age of 26, working as the head psychiatrist of Evergreen Hills Asylum alongside his best friend from college, Mike. He was a stickler for the rules, he didn't like to bend or break them. Until he met Boo. Her innocent nature caught him by surprise and he found himself believing every word she said. He wanted to help her get better no matter what… even when he found himself breaking his most important rule of all: never to fall in love with a patient.

Mary “Boo” Gibbs


FC: India Eisley

"I don’t wanna be who I am."

Boo resides in an institution, since a very young age. She imagines things and people who tell her to do evil things, such as a woman with snake-like hair and a big man with crab legs. The “monsters”, as she calls the voices and the visions, at the start seemed like typical imaginary friends an only child made up to entertain herself. She was an only child cooped up in her room most of the time alone, so her parents thought she was normal. At the age of sixteen, she was moved from the institution that took care of her to be admitted in the asylum after trying to kill a nurse to make a voice stop shouting in her head. With the consciousness at she needs to get better, Boo accepts the help from Sulley, a nice doctor in the asylum and she believes that her prayers had finally been answered. Little does she know that there is someone inside that intends to keep her there for a long, long time.

Mike Wazowski


FC: Iwan Rheon  

"Sometimes I think I should just marry myself."

Mike always kept to himself. He was the type of guy who was completely happy with any achievement he reached, no matter how long it took him. He only had one friend: James Sullivan and, in his opinion, they were the greatest team to have ever step foot in this world. They had been roommates at university, and had been inseparable since. He was the one who made sure James passed his exams with flying colors and James was the one taking him to parties and helping him meet girls.  He was thrilled to know he could spend more time with his best friend now that they both worked together was because, although he would deny it until his dying day, he was in love with James. Maybe that was why he was so against James' infatuation with Boo, maybe he was just overcome by the green monster… maybe he would do anything to keep them apart…

Robin “Snow White” Weiss


FC: Lacey Claire Rogers  

"Remember, you are the one who can fill the world with sunshine."

Robin was called “Snow White” by her parents since a very young age, due to her pale complexion. She was raised by her father whom she loved dearly, and grew up with many friends and many pets around her home. If you asked anyone, they would tell you that she had the kindest heart of anyone they knew. And as they say that opposites attract, her best friend was Evie Queen, Havenfort’s fairest beauty queen. They had met in a pageant, which Snow only entered because she knew her mother, deceased when she was still a little girl, would enjoy it.  But it all changed the day that she won first prize over Evie and while it didn't matter to her at all, it mattered to her best friend. Things had not been the same since that day, and now she was scared that her once best friend could take it too far to make sure that she would never steal the crown from her once again.

Valerie “Little Red Riding Hood” DeLuca


FC: Deborah Ann Woll

"But he made me feel excited, well, excited and scared."

Valerie DeLuca was one of those girls who always did as she was told. Straight-A GPA, volunteer work, no boyfriends, no distractions. Until she agreed with one night out with her friends that ended up in La Voie Sinistre. The second Valerie walked inside The Wonderland, she just couldn’t help but feel excited with the environment of freedom and debauchery, hidden from the authorities, like a well kept dirty little secret. Seduced by the chance of being a part of such a luxurious world, Valerie applied for a job and her innocence got her a place as a dancer—the Queen Of Heart’s very own white rose gone red. To walk around town at night without being recognized, Valerie always uses her red hood. She was quite found of her new exciting life until she met a man who offered her the chance to become a star… but Valerie is unsure if she is capable of paying the price it takes to be apart of the show business.

Hua Mulan


FC: Jamie Chung

"When will my reflection show who I am inside?"

Hua Mulan was never sure of who she was but she knew what she wanted: to serve her country, to protect the people. Against everything her family expected of her, Hua trained to be accepted in the army and fight alongside her fellow soldiers to make her dream come true. Forced to come home from her missions abroad to take care of her sick father, Hua accepts a job as sheriff in Havenfort, becoming the young leader of Havenfort’s police force. Just when she thought that job would be boring after everything she had seen, Hua starts to find out that is much more to Havenfort that what meets the eye and she makes it her personal mission to try to understand what is going on. But for now, her mission is simple: to find Belle French, a young girl that had gone missing for way too long.

Li Shang


FC: Godfrey Gao

"Let’s get down to business."

All his life, Li Shang worked on Havenfort’s police force to become the best officer he could ever be. He had turned his back on the chances of family and love, he lived for that job and it was all he wanted to do. He trained for years, climbing up the power hierarchy with honor and value until he stood exactly where he wanted to be: one step away from becoming sheriff. He thought he had finally achieved his goal of power, when a new person was put in charge of his force task: Fa Mulan. A woman, probably younger than any officer on the task, had come out of nowhere and stolen his job from right under his nose. Appointed by the former sheriff to be the one to help Mulan around town, Shang agreed to be her partner with the intention of proving her to be incapable of such position and getting the role he deserved so much back.

John “Tarzan” Clayton


FC: Alexander Skarsgard

"Take my hand… there’s a world I need to show you."

John Clayton was one the biggest heirs of Havenfort. Sent to study abroad and complete his education with humanitarian missions, he ended up prisoner in a jungle in South America where everyone thought he had died. After years of being considered dead, John Clayton returns to Havenfort with a rescue team but he is not the same boy that once had been lost. He says his name is Tarzan and all he remembers is living in the jungle with his real family. Instead of letting him go back like he demanded, he was locked up on the asylum until his family could decide what to do with him. He was about to lose all hope when Doctor Porter came along. She sat at the foot of his bed every day and listened to his stories. She believed him; she didn't think he was insane. He could see in her eyes that she believed every word he was saying and he knew that she was the one that would help him escape – the only problem was that now he wanted to take her with him…

Jane Porter


FC: Margot Robbie

"I just know there’s something bigger out there."

Jane was prim and proper from the day that she was born. At least that's what her family thought of her: her mother wanted her to be a pageant queen, wanted her to to marry a rich man and never work a day in her life. But that was not at all what she wished for her life. She wanted adventure, she wanted mystery, and she wanted to search the unknown. Inspired by her father, who was a teacher, and without much money to travel the world like she wished, Jane delayed her dreams and decided to go to college so she could find a proper job that would allow her to life her life without depending on someone. Seduced by the minds of the people around and the stories locked upon the darkest souls, she became a psychiatrist, getting an internship at Evergreen Hills Asylum. She was the breath of fresh air the patients needed in their worst days. She told them stories, true or made up, it made no difference, and listened to theirs in return, fascinated by how they became what they were. The first time she was sent solo to a room with a patient, her life changed drastically. His name was Tarzan and he claimed that he was raised by gorillas… that he could speak to animals and lived harmoniously with them. Caught up by the wonder of his story, Jane decided since she first saw him that she would do anything to help him, even if that meant helping him escape back to jungle.

John Smith


FC: Chris Hemsworth

"Time and fate are the only things we cannot escape."

John Smith was a hunter, a smoker, a drinker, a gambler. He did everything that a good boy shouldn't do for the simple pleasure that he could do whatever he wanted. He refused to be controlled either by society’s rules or its laws. He was a smooth-talker. He knew how to work people like he was pulling the strings of their lives. That was the way John liked it. He didn’t use to be this way. A long time ago, he had met a girl, in a far away land. A girl from another race, another religion – Pocahontas, was her name. At least, it was what she called herself. She had taught him the wonders of life and nature, to listen to the voices of the mountain and to paint with all the colors of the wind. But when he had to come back to Havenfort, she had decided not to go with him and follow her family’s orders to marry someone else. With a broken heart, John returned to his hometown to become the heartless man he is today. He thought he would never love again and that nothing could change him… until he spots a woman that looks exactly like his Pocahontas, many years later, right there in Havenfort. But she goes with another man’s name.

Rebecca “Pocahontas” Rolfe


FC: Shay Mitchell  

"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest."

Pocahontas grew up on a reservation in South America and never knew another world but that one, at peace with animals and in communion with nature, until she met John Smith, a young man on a hunting party nearby. He went against every single one of her beliefs and yet, she followed behind him every step of the way. She thought she could change the man that her parents hated. She thought that her love for him was strong enough to make him see the light and make him want to stay there with her. The biggest regret of her life was refusing to go with him when he asked her to, thinking that he would stay with her instead. When he didn’t, she found her way to England to look for him, but she was never able to find him. Instead, she married John Rolfe, a drug dealer that gave her a good life and whose business she took over after his death, a couple years later. Being now a lady of the drug world and with a new name, Pocahontas, now known as Rebecca Rolfe, moved to Havenfort to run her business from the shadows. Little did she know that she had finally found the town where her first love lived in.

Hercules Micat


FC: Paul Wesley

"Sometimes I feel like I really don’t belong anywhere."

Hercules was left in charge of his uncle, Hades, after his parents died. He never had a good relationship with his uncle and all the distance and solitude made him to want to become the person he could be. Someone better. Someone good. He studied abroad, went on humanitarian missions, used his inheritance for charitable causes. Even though he never had problems getting girls’ attention, he had never actually fallen in love. Back in Havenfort as a young adult when he hears the news of his travelling mate, Tarzan, showing up after disappearing for years in one their trips together, he meets Megara, a mysterious girl who immediately caught his attention… but he wasn’t aware of her relationship with his hated uncle.

Merida Hamilton


FC: Emma Stone

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"

Born and raised between the warm and wealthy arms of one of a nice family in Havenfort, Merida always had it all and it was never enough for her. Constantly seduced by danger and wanting to prove herself a smart and independent girl, Merida ended up taking a wrong turn and losing all of her family’s money in one night after a con act by Jessica and Roger Rabbit. In an effort to get their money back, she wanders into Margaux Monroe’s office with a problem, and comes out with a condition in return for the Mayor’s services.

Triton Strand


FC: Aiden Brady

"Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored and let no one in this kingdom sleep until she’s safe at home."

Triton Strand runs The Seven Seas Publishing Company, one of the best selling companies in Europe, and has offices spread all over the major cities even though the first one he ever built was located in his hometown: Havenfort. The Square Mile still runs to this day, and it publishes newspapers and magazines to distribute around England. As a businessman, it would be expected that his business was the shiny apple of Triton’s eyes but it wasn’t that way: Triton’s greatest treasure were his daughters - Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana and Ariel. After Triton’s wife, Athena, died, he did his best to raise his girls into being the greatest women they could possibly be. He succeeded, all of his daughters were now living good lives with good men and good jobs, all except for one, the youngest and most stubborn one: Ariel. Triton’s mission in life had always been to keep his daughters safe and when it came to that, Ariel’s curiosity made her hard to protect so when she was kidnapped Triton blamed himself for failing his mission and vowed that he would find his little girl at any cost, using every resource he had, whether it was his friends in the police force, or making a deal with the devil to send the best of the best mercenaries looking for his child - and in Havenfort, the only devil who could make that happen was Margaux Monroe - even if it costs him what he considers most important after family: telling the world the truth.

Simba O’Kereke


FC: Kellan Lutz

"Everything that the light touches is your kingdom."

All Simba has ever known is the Tribe Industries. He knew his fate would be to become “king” of his concrete jungle empire after his father saw him suited. The Tribe Industries was more than a company. It was the largest Industry in the country, and Simba had a responsibility to run it. After his father’s death in a car accident he survived, Simba started to felt guilty and ended up running away from his responsibility, terrified from it. Behind, he left the company that provided healthcare to half of European countries and his father’s charity causes in the hands of his uncle, Scar, along with his  lifelong friend and coworker, Nala, all in trade of what he called freedom.

Nala Buhari


FC: Phoebe Tonkin

"Sometimes bad things happen and there’s nothing you can do about it."

Nala was always the strong one. She was there for Simba since their childhood. She had her internship in the Tribe Industries and she was certain that when the time came, she would have a corner office waiting for her and her economics and management skills. More than that, she held to the desire that once Simba became CEO, he would finally have the guts to tell her what he felt about her, which - in her head - was exactly what she felt about him ever since kindergarten. Instead, when Mustafa O’Kereke died, Simba ran away, leaving her alone with his despised uncle. Determined to find him and bring him back, Nala ended up realizing he didn’t want to be found, that he prefered his freedom to his kingdom. Now, Nala needs to decide if she should keep fighting or if she should give it all up once and for all.

Florence “Flora” Fanté


FC: Pixle Cat

"It would look better in pink."

Taking care of Aurora Reynolds has always been the job and the passion of Florence Fanté. When she was a young girl, she started babysitting in the rich mansion of Stefan Reynolds in Havenfort and she built such a strong affection for that family that she took care of them as her own. More than a place of kindness and isolation from the real world, Flora found in Stefan the most brave, caring man she had ever met in her entire life and, even though she always kept it a secret, she fell in love with him. When Aurora’s mother died, Flora was the one to keep things under control, taking care of everyone and making sure they were able to mourn in peace. Despite her being the rock that kept the family standing strong, when it came time for Stefan to move on with his life, he didn’t chose her, the one who had always been there for him - instead, he fell madly in love with Margaux Monroe, a blonde bombshell with more secrets than she let everyone know. As Aurora’s passion for acting grew, Flora followed her to Hollywood and stood by her every step of the way: throughout hard script studying, auditioning, acting classes and, finally, fame. She took a place as a part of her team, working as an assistant and, of course, Aurora’s best friend. Flora’s life was destroyed when, few years after Stefan died and broke her last hopes of true love, Aurora was on an accident which lead her to be in a severe coma. Refusing to believe fate would do such evil thing to such a angelic girl, Flora decided to make justice for her own hands and investigate the awful luck that seemed to follow the Reynolds family. She stood by Aurora during her come, taking care of her as her personal nurse in secret, while, at the same time, she got a job working for James Hook’s mayor campaign where she could follow up close Margaux Monroe and her schemes.   

Peter Pan


FC: Graham Rogers

"To live will be an awfully big adventure."

Peter was an orphan who never met his parents, was abandoned at the door of orphanage few days after he was born and grew up to become an irreverent boy, a skeptic. Being forced to grow up so quickly within the walls of the orphanage, he praised childlike behavior in people. He ended up being recruited by the Secret Intelligence Service not only for his physical dexterity but also because of his sharp mind and persuasive ways. Peter’s boyish kindness below his touchy boy act got him the sympathy of most people inside the secret services, especially Wendy’s, a young, shy girl doing desk job and taking coffees who always offered him a smile. Even though they can’t seem to spend more than twenty minutes without putting into words how much they hate each other, Peter trusts his life to Tinkerbell, a blonde who looks more like a princess or a fairy than to a grown up.

He is the main agent of the Neverland Task Force, which operates in behalf of his homeland and the Queen, around the world and has diplomatic immunity. His top priority job now is to take down James Hook and the Jolly Roger, a group of twenty-first century pirates who cause chaos and terror everywhere they land and that are now in Havenfort. Due to James Hook’s recent political involvement, Peter’s mission to catch had not only become crucial and critical but also even more classified.  

Tiffany "Tinkerbell" Bellisario 


FC: Johanna Brady

"Our hearts are too small to love more than one person in a lifetime."

Tiffany Bellisario grew up in what could only be called a normal family. There was no drama in the family meetings, no covered up sex scandal, no buried secret, no skeleton in the closet. The peace and normality of her childhood always made her ache for more thrill and adventure. She has a PhD in Chemistry from MIT and her invention of an hallucinogenic substance, which she calls “the pixie dust”, got her an invitation into the life of danger she had always dreamt of. Tiffany is the “do it all” of the Secret Intelligence Service, which is from where she got the nickname of “tinker”. Behind the blonde hair and the tiny physique, Tiffany is an actual mercenary sent to one-woman missions. Even though being slightly unforgiving and aggressive, Tinkerbell has a soft side, almost childish and somehwat bratty of a girl who was used to have what she wanted; she and Peter had been something close to friends ever since they trained together to get a spot on the MI6, even though their points of view are quite different and they are constantly fighting. Now, Tinkerbell was recruited for her first team assignment, to integrate the Neverland Task Force and catch James Hook.





Kevin “Crocodile” Bertrand


FC: Jay Hernandez

"Time is chasing after all of us."

Kevin Bertrand was a cop known on the small town he lived in as “Crocodile” due to his brawny physique. His assignment to catch James Hook and the Jolly Rogers’ pirates was a game of cat and mouse: he was the only person who was able to push Hook’s buttons into madness, only so that he could catch the pirate. Used to catching every bad guy who he was assigned to - and to take care of anyone who got in his way as well - Crocodile’s mission to confiscate the Jolly Roger when it docked on some island’s shore and arrest everyone in it went terribly wrong: his men were killed, the village robbed and he was taken as a prisoner, leaving behind the only person who cared for more than the law itself - his fiance, Rosetta. Crocodile spent several months on board of the Jolly Roger, forced to work and reduced to something close to a slave, made an example of anyone who dared messing with the new captain. He managed to escape the hellish ship only to be forced to acknowledge that his life would never be the same. Rosetta had left to an unknown location, he was no longer a hero, he was look at with pity and sympathy. He was awarded a medal for his braveness and send to do desk job. Drowned in self commiseration and fury, Crocodile became a dark, lonely man, losing every interest in law, love and life whatsoever. This until the MI6 contacted him with an offer he couldn’t deny: to join a bunch of rookies to planned on taking James Hook down and needed the intel only he could provide. But can he still tell justice and revenge apart?

Wendy Darling


FC: Melissa Benoist

"You won’t forget me, will you?"

Wendy’s greatest pleasures in life had always been devouring books and letting her imagination fly. Older sister to John and Michael, Wendy was always idolized by her little brothers because of the fantastic adventures she created for their bedtime stories, emotional rollercoasters of magic lands, heroes in disguise and unthinkable creatures. Her relationship with her mother was easy but Wendy’s father, George, was always more serious and formal. He hated listening to Wendy’s nonsense and considered it a waste of her abilities. Very much against her father’s will, but without ever losing her innocent spark and optimism, Wendy graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature and Creative Writing from community college. Not long after, her father passed away and she found out that his conservative personality came from working on MI6, which meant that most of her life had been a lie. Wendy ended up getting a job like her father’s but always on the desk, taking care of classified paperwork and programming other people’s adventures. Her first field job was the creation of the “Neverland Task Force”, where she arranged the identities, documents and planned the whole mission to keep anyone from finding out that they were undercover agents. Finally allowed to leave her desk job, Wendy joined the team on the field to catch James Hook and that’s when she met Peter Pan, a young man who needed to have his dreams revived.

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